Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Love for Food

I wanted to start my blog off by telling you a little bit about how I got into food and nutrition. I didn't start off being a food lover, I was actually the complete opposite. If you were to ask my parents when I was younger if they thought I would be a dietitian when I grew up they would have probably laughed at the idea. 

I was what you call a "picky eater" to say the least. I hated anything with green or red in it which pretty much eliminated most vegetables. Every night I would gag and whine about having to eat my dinner that my mom worked very hard to cook that day. She was a mother of 4 children and had us all in a span of 5 years starting at the age of 20, I am the third child. Growing up I was always told by people that my mother was a "gourmet cook" and that they loved her food, something I didn't understand because all I wanted to eat was bread and grilled cheese sandwiches. Now is a completely different story, I love food and I love my mother's cooking! I also love to cook and I'm not the best cook but I enjoy doing it and hope that one day I can be as good as my mother. Whenever I have a cooking question I call my mother and she always has an answer but never gives me any measurements (EVER! except with baking of course), she always told me "the more you cook the better you'll get at it". Watching my mother cook is one of the most amazing things. She gets in her own little world effortlessly adding a concoction of different spices and herbs into her dishes making it look so easy and then she delivers the most amazing meal every time --- Now that is a gift! When I finally figured out that I wanted to be a dietitian in college, I started cooking more and the love for food continue to grow! And that is how it all began! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Anna!
    Count me as one of your most devoted followers!
    Best wishes,
